

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



-Mind over Matter-

这组肖像摄影作品模仿了15、16和17世纪的绘画风格,涉及的画家包括伦勃朗、小霍尔拜因和罗吉尔·凡·德·维登等人。照片的作者Suzanne Jongmans是一位跨界艺术家,她既是摄影师,也是雕塑家和服装设计师。在这组照片中,模特们穿上了用回收的泡沫和海绵乳胶制成的衣服,这些原本被要被丢弃的包装材料宛如丝绸般精致,与模特的肌肤形成了和谐的映衬。

De fotoportretten van Suzanne staan in de traditie van de 15e, 16e en 17e eeuw. Het werk refereert aan de schilderijen van de ‘oude meesters’ zoals o.a. Rembrandt, Holbein de Jongere en Rogier van der Weyden. Bij het bekijken van het werk waant men zich in eerste instantie in de Gouden eeuw. Wie wat meer de tijd neemt ontdekt de hedendaagse materialen die Suzanne gebruikt.

voltar / 60x75 cm

Room for Change / 75x95cm

之前的两个作品“心灵胜于物质(mind over matter)”和“志趣相投(kindred spirits)”而声名鹊起之后,跨学科艺术家suzanne jongmans又用包装材料创造出了精美的文艺复兴时期服饰。

captured across two series’ entitled ‘mind over matter‘ and ‘kindred spirits‘, interdisciplinary artist suzanne jongmans recycles packaging materials to create elaborate renaissance costumes. 

patience / 60x75 cm


bonnets are fashioned from styrofoam and plastic sheets, thick bubble wrap sculpted into high-collars, and dresses embellished with polystyrene beads. once completed these costumes are then photographed on subjects in poses reminiscent of portrait styles from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries.

owen-de Dialoog / 75x95 cm

origin / 60 cm

lied van de Parel / 75x95 cm

你可能能够轻易地认出这是jongmans的作品,因为最近她刚为moncler品牌拍摄了pierpaolo piccioli的作品。跟这次拍摄的照片一样,那次拍摄的图片也容易让人联想到佛兰德大师们,诸如jan van eyck和robert campin,他们两个人的作品描述的都是文艺复兴时期那些看上去易碎的场景。看上去艺术家就像穿越了一样,回到了文艺复兴时期,亲眼看到了当时人们的装束,然后复制出了这些相似又略带诙谐的场景。

You might recognize the work of jongmans because she recently captured pierpaolo piccioli’s collection for moncler. the images were similarly reminiscent of works by flemish masters like jan van eyck and robert campin with both bodies of work depicting what appear to be fragile scenes of renaissance life.

gravity / 75x95 cm

dame in Mantelti / 60x75 cm

cutting Loose / 90x112 cm

closure / 60 x 75 cm

Solitude / 75x95 cm


it’s as though the artist has changed history by time travel, revisiting and reworking actual moments to create an alternate, almost humorous adaptation. and whilst there is a light theatricality to her images there is also a serious reflection on the mass disposal of materials in stark contrast to an age that made clothes to last, with an appreciation for fine silks and lace.

Prinses Eva / 75x95cm

Prins lona / 60x75 cm


‘the use of residual material is a reaction to the present and the mass consumption that surrounds us‘, jongmans explains. ‘most people throw away foam rubber, but like a child I see a diamond in the rough.‘

Praise of Folly / 75x95 cm

Meisje met Sleutel / 40x50 cm

Meisje met Kap / 60x75 cm


jongmans mines for these diamonds through a multi-media process defined by her work as a seamstress, pattern cutter, creator of sculptural forms, designer of costumes and a photographer. she forms complex relationships between materials and tradition adding value to simple packaging whilst inviting viewers to touch the past in her interpretation of old masters.

lulie- Portret van een Vrouw / 60x75 cm

Infinity / 75x95 cm

Infinity / 60x75 cm

Gratitude / 90x112 cm

De Berg / 75x95cm

De Belofte / 40x40cm

Dame met Parels / 60x75 cm


-Kindred Spirits-

Sensibillity / 60x75 cm

Present / 112x95 cm

Childhood / 60x 75 c cm

Home / 95x112 cm

kind words / 75x 95 cm

intuition / 75x95 cm

You are here / 75x 95 cm

Our Kingdom / 58x83 cm

Lightness of Beingo / 60x77cm

Transcendence / 150X45cm

Conformed Furrows / 85x102cm

Where the wild roses grow / 45x64 cm

Understanding / 112x95 cm

Suzanne Jongmans

Mind over Matter 


Suzanne Jongmans

DINZ 艺 术 专 题 回 顾

The Eclipse & Clouds and Chaos

John Pawson / The Jaffa Hotel

西班牙雕塑家Diego Cabeza

Takahiro Iwasaki / 镜面的世界

Bilyk Nazar / Rain

DINZ 重 点 案 例 推 荐

Tony Chi / Invisible Design

Domani / HE HOMME苏州店

Neri&Hu / Suzhou Chapel

Johnston Marklee / 休斯敦Menil绘画馆

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例


DINZ德国室内设计网 品牌设计


安德厨电 ARDA GROUP 品牌设计

